Men dig Vossabia! 🙋‍♂️

Men dig Vossabia! 🙋‍♂️

Tough guys, tough men, nice guys and handsome men use Vossabia! Young and old, for beauty and skincare, for skin ailments and aches 🙌
Because there doesn't have to be black labels for men to use skincare! 🙅‍♂️ Men are not just masculine and monochromatic, but colorful and fun, playful and tough, soft and strong. Vossabia loves the diversity of men, and men love Vossabia with its colorful labels and products, fast effects, straight from the bees and botanical buffet 😉 Just check out what the fine men around us are saying!
We have a great collection of handsome guys working at Vossabia 👨‍🌾 And they are more than happy to pose with their favorite products that have made life even better for them! Among other things, they claim that after Vossabia came into their lives, they are more satisfied with their facial skin and appearance 💚 (because boys and men are of course just as obsessed with it as us ladies and girls). They also constantly use the products for a whole bunch of uses for both skin and hair 🧔🏻‍♂️
men's favorites
Den guten som sikkert har brukt aller mest Vossabia gjennom livet sitt er min gode superson Emil! Født og oppvokst med Vossabia, brukt til ekstremt mange ting, ikkje ein dag utan Vossabia i hud og hår no i 20 år! 🤩 Favorittane er sjølvsagt dei produkta i pakketilbodet me har kalla nettopp Emils favorittar: Ringblomstsalve, Kamillebalsam og Panterbalsam (desse er no mogleg å få i små krukker og). Men, det er vel ikkje eit einaste produkt han ikkje brukar. Rose- og rødkløverskrubben diggar han til ansiktsrens, hårserum gir glans, sjampo og kroppssåpe sjølvsagt, og ikkje minst Sensuell. Altså, gutta elskar Sensuell! ❤️ Emil gav Sensuell i gåve til heile russegruppa i fjor, og det vart sjølvsagt mottatt med jubel! Men, det er ikkje lett å få dei til å fortelle så mykje om den, hehe, men lat oss berre seie at den passar alle! 😆
Package offer: Emil's favorites
Daniel is so happy with how nice his facial skin has become after he started using Vossabia! 💚 He especially loves Calendula Salve (our fabulous universal deluxe) and Sea Buckthorn and Nettle , as he thinks both help with acne and make the skin more supple and smooth:
"I have much cleaner skin, I feel it is healthier, and I think my facial skin has become finer since I started using Vossabia." 
Etter barbering er og ringblomst og tindved knallbra for Daniel. Det er forresten mange menn som er hekta på Ringblomstsalve som etterbarberingssalve då den lindrar og heler raude prikkar og sårhet i huden etter bruk av barberhøvel 🪒
Daniel has become obsessed with tattoos in recent years, and has two huge tattoos all over his back. We have heard a lot over the years about how Chamomile Balm and  Calendula Salve soothe sore, newly tattooed skin, and keep the skin and tattoos looking good over time 👌 Daniel has also discovered it:
«Ringblomst og Kamille mjukar skikkeleg opp, held huden smidig der eg er tatovert, og så er dei så dryge og varar lenge på huden. Meir enn andre produkt eg har brukt på tatoveringane.»
men's favorites
Marius is very fond of all Vossabia products, but when he was forced to label one as his favorite, I got this answer:
"My favorites are Sea Buckthorn and Nettle , Panther Balm and Body Soap ! Sea Buckthorn and Nettle is very effective, you don't need much and it gives the skin a very nice glow. The body soap smells so good, and it works great as a shampoo too!! Panther Balm is great for joints and muscles in connection with competitions or recovery, and for colds and to open the airways."
Panterbalsam is a regular fixture at the healthy Marius. He trains a lot, as all the guys here do, and Panterbalsam is gold! 💪 Sore muscles quickly become supple and soft again with this strong vein lubricated and massaged into muscles and joints. Now Marius's nose was a bit stuffy after Easter 🤧 he was fooled into thinking that spring had come, and he threw off his clothes a little too quickly.. but what's the problem when he has Panterbalsam to open up his nose? And then he has been told by the queen bee here to eat honey with garlic and steam himself with chamomile and peppermint and then 🐝🌿🍯
panther balm
Lars is crazy about shampoo , body soap , hair serum and deodorants . And he is a very fit and tough guy who is just as happy to shower outside in the waterfall as in a hot bath 🧖‍♂️
Shampoo with wild herbs has done wonders for Lars' scalp, and his hair shines more than before! 🤩 By the way, there are several men (and women) who comment that they have more hair fall after regular use of our wild shampoo, and scalp problems are quickly noticed by both young guys and older men. So: just stop using Head & Shoulders shampoo and try out natural care from our nettle and horsetail shampoo on dandruff instead 🌱🧡
Feel free to combine shampoo with Rosemary or Lemongrass hair serum, in both hair and beard! I and the men here are sure you will love it too! 😍
men's favorites
Chamomile balm has received a lot of feedback from men of all ages. When Jonatan rolled in nettle at 2 years old, he ended up sitting and applying Chamomile balm himself when he felt the quick soothing effect.
🦷 Dentist Erik Barman (actually the world's best holistic dentist) uses it on himself on his face and feet, on bee stings (he smokes my bees now, as I am very allergic to bee stings and only end up in the emergency room 😣), and then he uses Chamomile on patients for fungus and inflammation in the mouth.
Olav, my dear fellow organic farmer, uses Chamomile Balm on calves, cows and himself! (By the way, he had to start using the Calendula ointment once we were together, so that he could get rid of the eczema on his face. And he loves Sensuell then…hehe 😉)
olav and chamomile balm
👉 First report on Chamomile Balm 's amazing effect against psoriasis came from an elderly man in Hardanger. He was also the first to tell me that he was covered by NAV for a large sum annually to use Chamomile Balsam for his psoriasis, which is incredibly good and a very difficult thing to get through!
👉 One of the latest comments on panther balm came from the son of an 81-year-old man:
"My 81-year-old father struggles with pain from shingles on his back. After using many different creams from the health center he lives at, I got them to try the panther balm from Vossabia. He himself says that the pain is gone and that he doesn't want to use any other ointment. I'm going to try it on his legs eventually too 🙂"
🎖 Emil har no fått mange soldatar i militærleiren han tener i til å oppdaga Vossabia, og der er det jubel og etterspurnad etter dei no har fått prøvd og testa ut! 😄 For Vossabia og dermed naturen på huden, funker som ei kule! ❄️ I kulden i vinter var Kuldekrem heilt super, no framover på øvingar ute i sol ☀️ blir solkrem gull, men aller mest er det universalen Ringblomst og ikkje minst Panterbalsam som blir etterspurt 🦟 Spesielt etter at Emil stod ute i myggland i nord utan mygg og knott på seg, medan resten av soldatane vart plaga og stukken. 🖤 Panterbalsam – elska av menn og kvinner, hata av mygg og knott! 😂
men's favorites
So, whether you're a caveman or a hipster - Vossabia is perfect for you either way! Young and old, man and boy – Vossabia gives you nature on your skin and pure joy for your body and mind! 💚 Apply with herbs and beeswax and feel the difference! 🌱🐝
men's favorites